● Im, C. and Kim, Y. (2021) "Local characteristics related to SARS-Cov-2 transmissions in the Seoul metropolitan area, South Korea", International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(23), 12595; (SSCI)

● Im, C. and Kim, Y. (2021) "Spatial pattern of tuberculosis (TB) and related socio-environmental factors in South Korea, 2008-2016", Plos One, 16(8): e0255727; (SCIE)

● Jung, G. and Kim, Y. (2021) "Modeling of Spatio-temporal changes of Urban Sprawl in Jeju-island: Using CA (Cellular Automata) and ARD (Automatic Rule Detection)", Journal of the association of Korean geographers, 10(1), 139-152; (KCI)

● Im, C. and Kim, Y. (2021) "Spatially Filtered Multilevel Analysis on Spatial Inequality of Tuberculosis in Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea", Journal of Health Informatics and Statistics, 46(1), 88-99; (KCI)

● Kim, H. and Kim, Y. (2020) "Space-time Network Analysis of Public Bicycle Use and its Visualization Using Spatial Network Autocorrelation", Journal of Korean Cartographic Association, 20(1), 93-106 (KCI)

● Kim, Y. et al. (2019) 도시 공간을 보다
(Korean translation from the original English book)
Gottdiener et al. (2016) Key Concepts in Urban Studies 2nd ed. 

● Kim, S. and Kim, Y. (2019) “Spatially Filtered Multilevel Analysis on Spatial Determinants for Malaria Occurrence in Korea”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 16(7) (SSCI)
● Park, S. and Kim, Y. (2019) “Developing Geographic Research Ability for High-school Students through Fieldwork: Chinatown Area, Incheon”, Journal of the association of Korean geographers, 8(1), 19-32 (KCI)
● Kim, S. and Kim, Y. (2018) “Hierarchical Bayesian modeling of spatio-temporal patterns of scrub typhus incidence for 2009-2013 in South Korea”, APPLIED GEOGRAPHY, 100, 1-11 (SSCI)

● Lee, H. and Kim, Y. (2018) “The Effects of Air Force Regulation on the Housing Market Price: The Case of Apartments in the City of Seongnam”, Journal of the association of Korean geographers, 7(1), 97-113 (KCI)

● Lee, J. and Kim, Y. (2017) “’A Newcomer’ versus ‘First Mover’: Retail Location Strategy for Differentiation”, Professional Geographer, 70(1), 22-33 (SSCI)

● Kim, S. and Kim, Y. (2017) “Analysis of Spatial Pattern Changes and Its Human and Environmental Factors of the Malaria Risks in Korea”, Journal of Korean Cartographic Association, 17(1), 71-85 (KCI)

● Oh, C. and Kim, Y. (2016) “Exploring Industrial Spatial Cluster of Seoul in Japanese Colonial Period Using AMOEBA Cluster Method”, Journal of Korean Cartographic Association, 16(1), 41-52 (KCI)

● Im, C. and Kim, Y. (2016) “Spatial Socio-environmental Analysis of Tuberculosis in South Korea Using Eigenvector Spatial Filtering Methodology”, Journal of Korean Cartographic Association, 16(3), 89-101 (KCI)

● Oh, C. and Kim, Y. (2016) “Spatial Analysis of Gentrification in Seoul Using Spatial Regression and Filtering Model”, Journal of the Korean Urban Geographical Society, 19(3), 71-86 (KCI)

● Kim, H. and Kim, Y. (2016) “The Analysis of ‘Quest Activity’ Chapters in Korean Geography Textbooks Published under 2009 Revised Curriculum: Focused on ‘Changes in Residential Space’, Journal of the association of Korean geographers, 5(3), 241-261 (KCI)
● Lee, E. and Kim, Y. (2015) “Spatio-temporal Suitability Analysis of Hooded Crane (Grus monacha) in the Suncheon Bay”, The Geographical Journal of Korea, 49(4), 465-478 (KCI)

● Oh, C. and Kim, Y. (2015) “Spatial Patterns of Industrial Activities in Seoul Under Japanese Colonial Powers: Based on Ethnically Segregated Residential Distribution”, Journal of Korean Cartographic Association, 15(3), 91-100 (KCI)

Kim, Y. et al. (2014) 지도학과 지리적 시각화
(Korean translation from the original English book)
Slocum et al. (2009) Thematic Cartography and Geovisualization. 3rd ed.  

● Lee, J. and Kim, Y. (2014) “Location Suitability Assessment on Marine Afforestation Using Habitat Evaluation Procedure (HEP) and 3D kriging: A Case Study on Jeju, Korea”, Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea, 17(4), 771-785 (KCI)

● Lee, M. and Kim, Y.  (2014) “Location Modeling of CCTV for Crime Prevention in Ansan Using Floating Population and Population Density”, The Geographical Journal of Korea, 48(4), 533-546 (KCI)

● Kim, S. and Kim, Y. (2014) “Spatial Analysis Modeling on Scrub Typhus Disease Occurrence in Korea”, Journal of Korean Cartographic Association, 14(3), 41-54 (KCI)

● Park, Y. and Kim, Y. (2014) “A spatially filtered multilevel model to account for spatial dependency: application to self-rated health status in South Korea”, International Journal of Health Geographics, 13:6 (SSCI)

● Lee, J., Kim, S., and Kim, Y. (2013) “Modeling bike road route for commuting transportation to increase bike use in everyday life: Case study of Seoul”, Journal of the Korean Urban Geographical Society, 16(3), 117-127 (KCI)

● Kim, S. and Kim, Y. (2013) “A Study on the House Price Determinants Model Considering Spatial Attributes of Residential Environment: The Case of Apartment in Seoul, Journal of Korean Cartographic Association, 13(3), 41-56 (KCI)

● Lee, M. and Kim, Y. (2013) “Spatial Analysis of CCTV for Crime Prevention Using Multi-level Model in Ansan”, The Geographical Journal of Korea, 46(3), 275-289 (KCI)

● Park, S. and Kim, Y. (2013) “Space-time cluster research of R&D industry in Seoul, Korea”, Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea, 16(3), 492-511 (KCI)

Kim, Y. (2012) “A study on Bike Network Cluster Analysis Using AMOEBA algorithm”, Journal of the Korean Urban Geographical Society, 15(2), 77-87 (KCI)

● Park, S. and Kim, Y. (2012) “Spatial Analysis of Ground Level Ozone in Seoul, Korea”, Journal of the Korean Urban Geographical Society, 15(2), 39-50 (KCI)

● Park, Y. and Kim, Y. (2012) “An Evaluation and Suggestion of Photovoltaic Power Plant Locations based on Environmental and Social Impacts, and Sustainability”, Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea, 15(3), 438-456 (KCI)

Kim, Y. (2011) “A Study about Bike and Bus Connection Using a Bivariate Measure of Spatial Correlation”, Journal of the Korean Urban Geographical Society, 14(3), 55-72 (KCI)

● Park, Y. and Kim, Y. (2011) "Agriculture Location Analysis Using Kriging and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)", Journal of the Korean Cartographic Association, 11(2), 75-90 (KCI)

● Kim, Y. et al. (2011) “The need analysis of lifelong learning program according to learning service regions: A case of Mapo-Gu”, Journal of Lifelong Education, 17(1), 165-189 (KCI)

Kim, Y. and Kirl Kim (2010) “An Analysis on Spatial Informatization Level and Means of Digital Divide Mitigation of Local Governments in Korea”, Journal of the Korean Urban Geographical Society, 13(3), 51-61 (KCI)

Kim, Y. (2010) “Spatial network pattern analysis of bicycle use in Seoul based upon spatial network autocorrelation”, The Geographical Journal of Korea, 44(3), 339-352 (KCI)

Kim, Y., Lee, H., and Nam, Y. (2010) “Origin and formation of Jewish Ghetto in the Middle age Venice”, Journal of Korean Urban Geographical Society, 13(1), 109-121 (KCI)

 Kim, Y. (2009) “An analysis of urban residential crimes using Eigenvector spatial filtering”, Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea, 12 (2), 179-194 (KCI)

Kim, Y. (2008) “An application of network autocorrelation model utilizing nodal reliability”, Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea, 11 (3), 492-507 (KCI)

Kim, Y. (2008) “The Effects of Spatial Autocorrelation in Spatial Data Analyses”,  
The Geographical Journal of Korea, 4 (3), 1-19 (KCI)

Kim, Y., and O’Kelly, M. (2008) “A bootstrap based space-time surveillance model with an application to crime occurrences”, Journal of Geographical Systems, 10, 141-165 (SSCI)

Kim, Y. (2008). “Space-time measures of crime diffusion” Artificial crime analysis systems: using computer simulations and geographic information systems, Lin Liu and John Eck (Eds). New York; Information Science Reference, 140-159

Kim, Y. (2007). “An Analysis of Urban Economic and Social Status Effects to Residential Crimes using Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling”,
Journal of the Korean Urban Geographical Society, 10, 115-127 (KCI)