• 2022-2025 (75,000 USD)
Modeling and Visualization of 'Depression amid COVID-19' using Spatio-temporal machine learning.
(Principal Investigator; funded by National Research Foundation of Korea)
• 2017-2020 (810,000 USD)
Spatial realization and History map generation based on Chosun dynasty geography literature using GIS.
(Principal Investigator; funded by the Academy of Korean Studies)
• 2015-2017 (380,000 USD)
Space-time analysis of social minority population in Modern Korea: hybrid analysis of quantitative geography and qualitative history methodologies.
(Principal Investigator; funded by National Research Foundation of Korea)
• 2015 (5,000 USD)
Spatio-temporal suitability analysis of Hooded Crane (Crus monacha) in the Suncheon Bay.
(Principal Investigator; funded by College of Education, Korea Univ.)
• 2014 (5,000 USD)
Location modeling of CCTV for Crime prevention in Ansan usning floating population and population density
(Principal Investigator; funded by College of Education, Korea Univ.)
• 2013 (5,000 USD)
Spatial analysis of CCTV for crime prevention using multi-level model in Ansan
(Principal Investigator; funded by College of Education, Korea Univ.)
• 2012-2014 (590,000 USD)
Design and development of GIS Historical map of Modern Korea
(Cooperative Investigator; funded by the Academy of Korean Studies)
• 2011 (5,000 USD)
Agriculture location analysis using kriging and analytic hierarchy process (AHP)
(Principal Investigator; funded by College of Education Korea Univ.)
• 2010 (15,875 USD)
A study about Bike and Bus connection using a Bivariate measure of Spatial correlation
(Principal Investigator; funded by National Research Foundation of Korea)
• 2010 (15,000 USD)
Spatial analysis on education service for individual administrative units
(Cooperative Investigator; funded by Mapo-Gu)
• 2010 (10,000 USD)
Spatial network analysis for bikeuse in Seoul Korea
(Principal Investigator; funded by Sunggok Academic Culture Foundation)
• 2009 (5,000 USD)
Analytical crime mapping in urban envrionment
(Principal Investigator; funded by College of Education, Korea Univ.)